July 28, 2011

Busy Busy

Last Friday afternoon some of us went to the Nature Conservatory in Kitale…also known as the funny farm. Just know that it started pouring rain and that I definitely fell on my butt. The first half of the tour we walked through and got to see how beautiful Kitale is, but let me tell you it was slippery. Then we got to the funny part, but a little bit sad at the same time, deformed animals. There were cows with extra parts in weird places and midgets with legs half the size as normal. It was quite the scene. We also noticed a cow who was about to give birth. We stood and watched for a half hour then walked away and there and behold a baby calf was born. So adorable! Oh and by this time we were all sopping wet from the downpour.

Saturday half of us went to Kipsongo to help build homes and the other half did a Shimo walk. The goal of the day in Shimo was to ask different families questions about their iives and to see if they are saved in the Lord. We ended up going into around thirty huts and seven people committed their lives to Him. It was such an experience getting to pray with the people of the slum and see them give their lives to the creator. It brought them so much joy and me as well!
Sunday the team drove up to Mount Elgon, which is about two or so hours away from Kitale. We went to a local church and had a service prepared. We sang together and a few of us shared testimonies of how God has taken us from sadness and brought joy, love, and peace to our lives. After the service we shared lunch with the pastor and his family. Afterwards we hiked up to the caves of the mountain and saw God’s beautiful creations. It was such great experience.

I love what God is allowing me to do and see on this trip. He has opened my eyes to a world that is so much bigger than me. It makes me think about how I have been living my life until now; I have been so selfish and needy. My prayer is that I can change that about myself. Lord allow me to be more and more like you each day that You give me. 

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